Paninis You Can Make Without Bread
If you're starting to think there is simply nothing else you can come up with to make with your sandwich press, think again! There is always a new panini to be made. If you don't believe me, it's time to start thinking about paninis you can make without bread. That's right, no bread! Below, we'll cover some ideas for ones you can make with waffles, tortillas, graham crackers, and brownies.
For waffles, you can go sweet or savory, focus on breakfast food ideas. You can mix up chocolate and bananas, or a mix of chocolate and pretty much any other fruit you have in your kitchen. Another quick idea is peanut butter and honey, which is also great to add bananas or apples to. For savory, you can fry up some eggs (scrambled or pretty much any other way, you can even slice up a boiled egg) and cheese. For a little something extra, mix in some veggies like mushrooms, asparagus, or onions. Also consider crumbling tofu instead of/with the eggs.
For tortillas, you really want to fold the tortilla around the filling like with a wrap, or burrito. You can fill it with eggs and veggies (like asparagus, avocado, and black beans) for a breakfast flavor. For a good dinner wrap, try pre-grilled eggplant, zucchini, carrots, and mushrooms with cheese and thyme. Instead of the wrap style, you can also go the quesadilla route. Try mixing different veggies in with your cheese, like avocados, black beans, olives, or asparagus. You can also mix in some crumbled up chicken or bacon.
For graham crackers go traditional and use chocolate and marshmallows.
For brownies, you'll want to be careful not to grill it for too long so this doesn't melt terribly, but press two brownies with cherries and/or blueberries and vanilla ice cream. Top it off with whipped cream once it's done.
With all of these ideas here you should be inspired and ready to go use your panini maker!
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