How To Make With Clay Pots
There are a few cooking techniques and tools that are used in Thai cooking that a lot of people will not be accustomed to. Cooking with a clay pot is one of them. If you try it, you'll find that there are several advantages to it. It is possible to save cash on electricity, plus it is really easy. The pot itself is a multi-tasker to, so it saves on dishwashing time. The clay pot is first used to cook, then it looks fantastic so it might be utilized to serve the meal, and it can also store the leftovers in the fridge.
Buying your very own clay pot is the place you need to start at, unless you don't already have one. Do not go to any of the big kitchen retailers at the mall since the cost you'll pay is too high. The best place to get them is a Thai/Asian/Chinese store or market.
The first time you make use of the clay pot, you should begin with a really low heat for the very first five minutes. From then on, it is possible to gradually raise the temperature to a medium-low level for another 15 minutes. At that point, it's safe to turn up the heat higher if your recipe calls for it. This method isn't needed if the pot has been seasoned by using it several times.
Add the elements from the recipe to the pot if you are ready to get started cooking. Since the majority of dishes need to simmer and bubble, you have to make sure to leave a couple of inches open at the top.
You will normally begin with a medium-high setting until the fluid begins to bubble. At that point, it is possible to turn it down to the temperature that will keep the dish at a simmering level. You need to cover the clay pot with all the lid.
Generally fish and veggies only need to simmer for about 10 minutes after it boils. Meat dishes typically take 30 - 60 minutes to prepare, but the exact time is determined by the type of meat and it's thickness.
One downside to cooking with the clay pot is the handles get quite hot while cooking. It is crucial to utilize potholders the moment the pot begins cooking because you won't be able to touch it from then on.
If you are warming up leftovers that have been in the fridge, be sure to warm the pot slowly and gradually. You can crack the pot if you pull it out of the cold fridge and start it off at medium or high heating levels.
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