Appliances Color Issues When You Decide To Buy
Avocado Greenoh, my. It boggles the mind when you consider that someone in the appliance industry actually thought this would be the penultimate color for appliances. As every renter or first time homeowner can tell youit is not! If you are considering buying new appliances, however, it does raise the issue of what colors should you go with?
One Appliance
Lets say you are watching television one night and a hear something that sounds like running water. You follow the sound to the kitchen and find water coming out from under your dishwasher! It turns out your 35 year old dishwasher has rusted through and you need a new one. In this scenario, the color issue is an easy one. You should go with a color that matches the other appliances in your kitchen. If everything is white, go with white. If everything is black, go with black. If everything is Avocado Greenwell, you might want to remodel!
A Big Change
Remodeling ones kitchen is very popular when it comes to home improvements. If you are taking such a project on, you are probably going to ditch all of your old appliances. This is whether color becomes a big issue.
The first step is to take a deep breath. Appliances come in a variety of bold patterns and colors these days. Avoid them. You want to go with a color that is softer and neutral. Yes, these tend to be bland, but the appliances should be a supporting factor in your new kitchen and not the focus of the remodel.
More importantly, the use of bold colors on appliances dates them. I thought I looked pretty suave in my 1999 outfits, but I wouldnt be caught dead wearing them today. The same goes for appliances. Your bold, new appliances are going to look dated in 2015. That may seem a long way off, but holding onto a home for five years is pretty normal. This is particularly true in this real estate market which can be described as slightly tepid. The hot appliance color trend in 2010 will undoubtedly be old news a few years later.
Black may or may not be your color preference, but it works very well with appliances. Why? It tends to blend well with just about everything. It goes well with wood or tile floors. It blends really well with stainless steel and marble tops. When in doubt, black appliances can always be a fall back position.
I dont have to tell you that appliances are expensive. You need to get it right the first time you buy them. All and all, that usually means going conservative is the best option when it comes to picking colors.
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