A Primer On Cooking Baby Carrots
Grown carrots and baby carrots are cooked in much the same way and so if you desire to understand how to cook baby carrots, then you just use the same method. Baby carrots can be added to any dish that you'd like to boost the flavor. The baby carrots can be simply stewed or just steamed. These carrots can also be mixed up with corn after being chopped and then set aside as a side dish. Baby carrots can be eaten raw due to their sweet taste and crunchy bite, but they can also be boiled in water for some 15-20 minutes till they can be easily penetrated by a fork. The baby carrots can be served later where they will have to be reheated using some brown sugar and butter for that extra style and then garnished with grated orange peel. This will change their overall flavor greatly.
It is critical to note that carrots that have already been cooked tend to have lots of antioxidants as opposed to those that are raw. Researchers at the University of Arkansas have carried out research and they say that cooked carrots do not lose their nutritional content like the raw carrots and that they also have enhanced health boosting properties. Carrot is generally categorized as a type of root vegetable which is orange in color. The carrot has a characteristic crisp texture and the orange color is courtesy of carotene which is the substance that is metabolized into vitamin A by the body. Antioxidants, fibers and minerals are al present in carrots. Others include iron, calcium, thiamin, vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and niacin. Just like other types of foods, carrots should be consumed in moderation to avoid hypercarotenemia or instances where the skin turns into an orange color.
How to cook glazed carrots is the next query that we are going to answer.Carrots can be prepared using several methods. The reason that carrots are added to other foods is to add a bit of color as well as to increase their nutritional value. Carrots can also be eaten raw without necessarily having to cook them. In case you find raw carrots tasting weird, you can use the following recipe. A maximum of 6 to 8 people can be served by this glazed carrot recipe. In order to effectively cook glazed carrots, you will require the following. ? cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of tapioca, 1 tablespoon of butter, 8 to 10 pieces of medium-sized fresh carrots, 1/8 teaspoon of ginger, 1 ? cup of orange juice, ? teaspoon of salt.
Using a small bowl, proceed to mix the 1/8 teaspoon of ginger, 1 ? cup of orange juice, ? teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of butter, ? cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of tapioca. Have the mixture blend in well. Take the fresh carrots and the mixture and place it on a slow cooking electric cooker. Ensure that they mix up well. This mixture should be cooked at low heat for eight or ten hours or 4-5 hours using high heat. Cover the pot as you cook the carrots. Serve while hot.
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